Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Secular Retreats

I have a job working for Resident Life at my college. This is not my RA job, but another one. This past week, the staff of Resident Life (not myself or the other assistants) went on a "retreat," I'm guessing where they got to know each other better and try to talk about things.

Now, being that I was raised Catholic and continue to hold the fullness of truth with my beliefs (that's not a cocky statement, but a Catholic belief that is actually grounded unlike any Protestant beliefs - please ask me any questions you might have), I have only experienced retreats that deal with growing closer to God. This whole "secular retreat" idea is kind of foreign and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If anyone can shed some light on how a retreat, which is supposed to take you away from the world, can at the same time be grounded in a secular thought process, which is totally of the world, please let me know. Because, to be honest, I am not understanding how that is possible.


Joel Haubenreich said...

One word: barbeque.

Oh, and volleyball makes two.

daniel said...

Hey we should talk. I'm an RA at my school, and I basically hate it because ResLife (as we call it) is the most liberal secular organization on the face of the earth, and it gets tiring opposing them. Any suggestions on how to remain positive and try to influence ResLife with the Gospel?

Matthaeus Evangelista said...

I've had a lot of problems with Res Life in the past. There is a group of 5 entries that I wrote a long time ago (maybe close to when I began this blog) about a fight that I got into over distributing condoms. I refused to do so, and it didn't make people happy.
One thing that I'm currently discerning is on whether or not to invite a pro-life guitarist/singer to our open mic night that we're having. I think that my RD wouldn't expect me to actually do it, which is more reason why I'm thinking about it - but that would be kinda interesting.
I've also started to use the approach of helping girls self images (i.e. getting some of the guys to take down pictures of scantily clad women). So far I've approached the guys with stuff on the outside of their doors, and I'm trying to figure out if I have a program on the issue whether or not that will help some of the guys take down stuff inside their rooms.
I'm in the process of trying to figure out what else that I can do. But, prayer is my best way of staying happy and realizing that this is often an attack from the devil (as one of my Dominican friends told me last weekend). "So rejoice in the Lord always."