Thursday, May 19, 2005

What happens when faith isn't fun anymore?

Some Protestant friends of mine love that their Church is so fun and energetic (since when is the Catholic Church neither of these?), and that they can't imagine going to any other Church because all their friends are there, and they have too much fun. To this I would say, if your faith all about fun? Christ was crucified. Was that fun? Usually that would upset them and turn them away. Maybe a better thing would be to bring in the Bible.

Luke 8:6 - "Some seed fell on rocky ground, and when it grew, it withered for lack of moisture."

If your faith is fun, that is awesome, and I sincerely am happy for you. But what happens when it doens't become fun any longer? What happens if you develop your faith enough that you go into a dark night of the soul? If you think that faith is all about having fun, then continue to plant your seeds on rocky soil and enjoy your temporary happiness. I can't change that. But, what I'll do is go and plant my seeds "on good soil" where it will grow and will have "produced fruit a hundredfold" (Luke 8:8).


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a quote that I once read online: "If it is boring, then it isn't God." I disagreed with that quote from the moment I read it but have found trouble to word out why.

This post has argued against that and I thank you for posting this.

Matthaeus Evangelista said...

Thanks for the complement here. And thanks for the plug on your blog ( I take that as a complement too.