Saturday, May 21, 2005

Move Out Day

So today was move out day, and I am still awake because I just got finished cleaning my floor of all the trash that was left. Let me tell you, it is a great feeling to have the floor all to myself again. No more commotion, and I can play classical music and Gregorian chant as loud as I want! What a life! But, then again, I am moving on to better things for the summer - walking to save babies, to protect politicians from sacrilege, to save the Church from scandal, and to protect Christ in the Eucharist (this is on what I wrote my paper).

Enter... The Crusade For Life

I will be spending my summer walking from Maine to DC. This might be the last time I post before I start the walk, and I am not sure exactly how often I will get to post as I am walking, but there will be a journal page with all our stories on it. So try to keep up with myself and Lacy (here is the link to her journal) of Catholic Girl Talk as she walks from San Diego to Sacramento. It'll be a blast, and hopefully we'll bring peace to the world.

(Also, in case you were wondering, people really do leave carpets. Sometimes my residents would be beside themselves at the thought. My residents didn't leave any carpets, but there are various ones strewn throughout the building. People really do just leave them in the halls and stairwells.)

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