Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Selling Credit Cards

Yesterday, someone approached me asking if I wanted to register for a credit card. There was a group of three people there pushing for people to sign up, and when I said "No." The guy then said, "She'll flash you," to which I just shook my head. The girl whom the guy was talking about then proceeded to say, "I'll make out with you." Again, I merely shook my head and started to walk away. Then the guy with one last effort yelled out, "You need the credit card anyway, and you're turning down looking at her boobs too. C'mon." As I was walking away, I heard the girl yell out, "Why doesn't anyone want to look at my boobs?"

I'd like to comment on a couple of things here. And trying to always find something good in every situation, it's good that they are devoted to their job.


Yeah, that's it. That's the only good thing for them about this entire situation. It is good that other people weren't looking either, but I assume, at least at my campus, that they aren't because they don't want to sign up for a credit card. I have a feeling that there are a lot of guys who would've said yes to a peep if there was nothing attached. But, as Catholics we should assume the best so I'll make the point that I really hope that people weren't looking because they have better morals than that. Anyway, it is a good thing for others that they weren't looking.

Secondly, or thirdly - I'm not sure which, it is a sad state of the person when you decide to undress yourself for a job. Can anyone say porn stars or pole dancers? Not to say that this girl is either or those, but what kind of state of mind must a person be in to be willing to expose their breasts to a complete stranger(s) just so that you will sign up for a credit card. Mind you, there were lots of cars around, and I wouldn't have been the only who saw. But, how bad have things gotten when you are that willing to do almost anything just to sell something, a credit card too? I'm not really sure, but I do know that we need to pray for that girl that she has a conversion of heart, and so that she begins to see that she too is a child of God and worth something. Maybe she's fighting that right now. And, prayer is all that it'll take for her to have a conversion of heart. Maybe the guy is telling her that she is a better girl by being "free" top expose herself; that she is going against the status quo of being a "proper lady." Well, he needs prayers if that is the case, but also to go against the status quo on a liberal college campus is to do the opposite and not reveal yourself, even to your boyfriend.

It seems that as time goes on, and people become more and more relativized, they will be willing to do most anything for most any things. We need to work extra hard in the coming years to bring people back to the Lord so that they can see that they are worth something in His eyes and not just pieces of meat built on emotions and pleasure sensors. We are rational beings with a soul unique to our species. Yes, we are animals, but we have a higher understanding of our nature, and so it is an accomplishment to conquer ourselves and not just let ourselves go. We should rule our minds and our bodies, leading ourselves to a higher understanding of the human person. By degrading ourselves to the level of a normal animal is to degrade our nature. How is that a positive thing? I don't know. But, I do know that change is possible, and that hope still exists for all things are possible with God.


Joel Haubenreich said...

I think a big chunk of the responsibility for the state of things falls upon men. We've not lived up to our roles as protectors. Some men have chosen to exploit women, others to stand idly by. Not to absolve women, but really, where have they to go?

Just a thought.

Matthaeus Evangelista said...

I agree that this is something that we need to change for both men and women. You are very right, men need to be men and defend and protect women and children. It's a gift that we get to do so, so why not go the extra mile and make life easy and safe for them? We should give them nothing less than the best, which they deserve.

In doing so, we not only are protecting them, but we also are taking the culture back and telling people that we will stand for all the schmuck that is going around. We are going to stand for what is whole and pure and nothing less.

Thanks for the comment.