Saturday, September 24, 2005

On Compassion

Compassion. That word looks similar to the Latin cum passio. Oh wait, that's because that is the root of compassion. In Latin cum passio means "with suffering." Hmmm. That's interesting. Compassion is just English for "with suffering." So I guess that changes everyone's idea of what compassion really entails. We must suffer to understand what a person goes through. So hence, from the meaning of the word compassion, suffering is a good thing. It helps establish empathy. It helps one understand that good can come from evil. For example, when you are helping someone through a problem that you've already gone through, then good (your help) is coming from bad (the original suffering that you went through). So why do we want to get rid of suffering? Do we want to have a culture void of compassion? I don't. I like suffering.

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