Sunday, September 25, 2005

Knights of Columbus on the Move

As a member of the Knights of Columbus, it is partly my responsibility to protect women and children. And being that this year the college councils for the Knights of Columbus are focusing on pro-life issues, our council felt that it would be a good thing to spend some time this past weekend out front of an abortion clinic praying for the women and men who went inside to either get contraceptives or have an abortion. Assisted by sidewalk counselors, our mission was successful. Granted, there were no saves that morning, but as always, we know that the Lord heard our prayers, and hopefully we laid the seeds that the Lord will help grow into a better understanding of what the celebration of life really entails. We will continue to pray for these men, women, and children.

Following this, most of us went to protest the War on the Unborn in the midst of the march against the war. Fortunately, there were a lot more pro-life people there than expected, but at the same time, unfortunately, there were also a lot of people with anger residing deep down inside. Their attacks, jests, and pointed fingers really brought about a better understanding of the Beatitudes especially, "Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: be glad and rejoice for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you" (Matthew 5:11-12). Through it all, we continued to proclaim the truth and try to educate those in most need.

One moment stands out (besides the two already mentioned in the previous posts: The Crusades of the Medieval World and Whose World is Overpopulated?). Al Sharpton decided to show up with a large group of his buddies, and when we presented him with a Rosary and some information on abortion and how 80% of abortion clinics are in underprivileged neighborhoods, especially majority black neighborhoods, he didn't really seem to care especially since he meerly handed the literature to another person and didn't even make eye contact. Hopefully his friend will read the information and talk to him about it.

All in all, it was a worthwhile experience, and we're all glad that the Knights could make a presence.

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