Saturday, August 27, 2005

Premarital Sex - Does It Help Anyone?


That should be enough for an entry, but being that most people would push it off an dismiss that idea without anything to back it up. So here goes nothing...

Firstly, if we want to help teens and college age kids live a healthy life, we shouldn't tell them that "safe" sex is the way to go. What really is "safe" sex? Using a condom, birth control pills, emergency contraception, all three? If you have to use all three (which you shouldn't being that you only use emergency contraception after the birth control pill if all three mechanisms of the birth control pill failed...oh, wait...that's more common than any of us think) then how safe are you really being? How is adding all those extra hormones healthy for you? Is that temporary pleasure really worth all the side effects?

It is you say. Why? Why on earth would you want to harm your body for the rest of your life just for a few minutes of pleasure? I don't really know.

Let me propose a thought to you. If the next three generations of people waited until marraige to have sex, then the number of STI's would go down both over half. They would essentially be wiped out. You don't believe me? Well, then let's try it. We've been trying your way for over 50 years, and what have we accomplished? We went from 6 STD's in the 50s to over 25 STI's each with hundreds of different strands. It seems that all your solutions to fighting sexual diseases actually increased their numbers...Hmmm...isn't that an odd concept. Not really!

Don't let the world tell you that you are an animal and that because you are inevitably going to have sex anyway, that we need to find ways to make it "safe." Have more respect for yourself. Have some dignity. Appreciate who you really are, and don't sell yourself to their games. Don't be used any longer. Stand up and tell them that you aren't going to be degraded anymore. You want respect.

We are all capable of saving sex till marraige. If you want to be a pawn, and give that gift away, I can do more no more than pray for you. But, if you decide that you want more in life, that you respect yourself and your future spouse, and that you are more than an animal controlled by passions, then stand up and fight the good fight. It's not impossible.

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